Sales Manager

*This role requires good English skills.

Our success as a Company is directly related to the effectiveness of the Sales Team.  As Sales Manager you have the opportunity to manage your sales team effectively, and a great satisfaction to achieve your goals and objectives by using your acquired knowledge.


  • Demonstrates excellent knowledge of the company’s complete value proposition to customers, services’ profitability and key business drivers
  • Knows when and how to leverage services of affiliated Gopet Trans’ companies
  • Proposes rules for reaction to market changes
  • Effectively practices complex sale methodology, e.g. lead generation and management, customer needs definition, negotiation with clients, handling client objections, closing the deal and obtaining feedback, etc.
  • Assists the sales force in developing above selling skills
  • Participates in trade fairs, conferences, industry clusters and professional associations that enhance the company’s reputation and awareness and facilitate the building of a professional networks
  • Positions the company in alignment with its image, values and strengths
  • Proposes specific solutions, customized to customers’ requests while ensuring safe, cost-effective and efficient service
  • Makes recommendations for improvement of the services provided in accordance with the customer’s contract and overall customers’ strategy.

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